I have four collections of Quaker writings I refer to regularly:
Jessamyn West's The Quaker Reader (QR), 530 pages of Quaker writing and history.
Douglas Steere's Quaker Spirituality: Selected Writings (QS1), 333 pages focused on writings by a few key Quakers.
Emilie Griffin's Quaker Spirituality: Selected Writings (QS2), which edits Steere's collection down to 164 much less dense pages.
Catherine Whitmire's Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity (PL), 192 pages of brief excerpts of Quaker thought.
I'll review each of these separately. I'll admit that I purchased the shorter version of Quaker Spirituality before I realized it was a reduced version of the larger book, which I already had but couldn't find. Both books are useful, though, and the smaller one frequently stays in my bag for times when I have to wait for something, and would like something to read. (Plain Living is good for that too, I think.)
When possible, I'll provide citations for quotes all of these, at least for the first three.