Though we are sorry, we have this Occasion, that [Roger Williams] hath
given us, to give forth this Reply and Dispute with him of
his Slanderous Proposals (we cannot look upon them otherwise,
but so; and therefore for Truth's sake, as it is in JESUS,
and for the Name of Christ and true Christianity have we
been constrained to Answer him, as we have done both in
Dispute and in this: )
Yet we have so much Charity to believe, that all the Professors in New England are not of his
Judgment, and those that are, they are like to bear their own
Burthen, whether they are Priests or Magistrates. But of
all the Books I ever read, I never saw so much Foul Language and Contradictions (which would swell up a Book too
much, if we should let the Reader see them all distinct) And
also many false Conclusions & Inferences, that he hath made,
and Invented Words and Principles to be ours, which we
never Heard of before, neither ever were in our Thoughts:
and then, when he hath done, he Raileth at them and us.
If a
Man had sold himself to Work Wickedness, and (Inspired
with a dark Power and Spirit) to invent Falsehood against an
Innocent and Suffering People, Roger Williams hath done it;
who abuseth his Pen, abuseth the Press, abuseth his
Neighbours; and he living in a Peaceable Government:
Which when the People called Quakers had the Government,
they never molested him. AND so 'tis not only the Quakers,
but other Sorts of People, that he flies out again; which we
question, whether ever he had so much Modesty, as to speak to any
of their Faces: But this has been his Work, to defile Peoples
Minds his Lies, Slanders, Falsehoods and Forgeries
of things against us, which we do Abhor: as may be seen in
his Book.
And that which we desire is, That the Lord may
give him REPENTANCE, and all that join with him, if
it be his Will, and it be not hid from his and his Confederates Eyes. [Paragraph breaks added.]
I've put the full introduction in the extended entry.
Christian Reader, and all Sober People, that have Read
Roger Williams his Book, and may come to Read this
Though we are sorry, we have this Occasion, that R. W. hath
given us, to give forth this Reply and Dispute with him of
his Slanderous Proposals (we cannot look upon them otherwise,
but so; and therefore for Truth's sake, as it is in JESUS,
and for the Name of Christ and true Christianity have we
been constrained to Answer him, as we have done both in
Dispute and in this: ) Yet we have so much Charity to believe, that all the Professors in New England are not of his
Judgment, and those that are, they are like to bear their own
Burthen, whether they are Priests or Magistrates. But of
all the Books I ever read, I never saw so much Foul Language and Contradictions (which would swell up a Book too
much, if we should let the Reader see them all distinct) And
also many false Conclusions & Inferences, that he hath made,
and Invented Words and Principles to be ours, which we
never Heard of before, neither ever were in our Thoughts:
and then, when he hath done, he Raileth at them and us. If a
Man had sold himself to Work Wickedness, and (Inspired
with a dark Power and Spirit) to invent Falsehood against an
Innocent and Suffering People, Roger Williams hath done it;
who abuseth his Pen, abuseth the Press, abuseth his
Neighbours; and he living in a Peaceable Government:
Which when the People called Quakers had the Government,
they never molested him. AND so 'tis not only the Quakers,
but other Sorts of People, that he flies out again; which we
question, whether ever he had so much Modesty, as to speak to any
of their Faces: But this has been his Work, to defile Peoples
Minds his Lies, Slanders, Falsehoods and Forgeries
of things against us, which we do Abhor: as may be seen in
his Book. And that which we desire is, That the Lord may
give him REPENTANCE, and all that join with him, if
it be his Will, and it be not hid from his and his Confederates Eyes.
And let but the Reader read Roger William's former
Books, and compare them with this, that he hath written
now, and see, how he Contradicts himself: and see what a
great occsion he and his Brother take against J. B. for calling
him Old Man, or saying, He would not bear upon the Old
Man, because of his Age, and that he pitied him, &c.
when he brought his false Charges against us, and could not
make them good. But let the Reader see all his foul Language is his Book (who styles himself an Orator to the King,
and let the Reader judge, whether he is worthy of that Title,
out of whose Mouth are come so many Corrupt Words, Accusing or Blaming us for saying in pity to him, That he was
an Old Man? But let the Reader see, if such Language be-
comes Gray Hairs ?) together with his Forgeries, that he
has Forg'd and Publish'd against an Innocent and Suffering
People. And if the New-England Priests and Governors
have tolerated, and aid and afflicted him the Printing
of his Book against us, we cannot expect any otherways, who
have been our Persecutors, and some to DEATH, and so
we must leave him and them to the Lord, and Vengeance
is his, and he will Reward every one of them according to
their Words and Works: Which certainly he will do, and
none shall escape the Omnipotent Hand of God. And our
Hope, and Trust and Confidence is in the LORD, the Living God, and we do not fear, what Man can do unto us:
GALLOUSES to DEATH (whose BLOOD Cries to
God through the Nations) and your CUTTING OFF
EARS, and your HOT BRANDING-IRON, and your
Cruel Mockings and Threats, and SPOILING of GOODS,
and besides all the Lies, and Slanders and Forgeries, that
have been Forged against us; So that Christ's Saying is fulfilled
among you. They shall speak ALL MANNER of EVIL
for his Name's sake against his People: So it's not One Manner, but ALL MANNER. But we can Triumph in the Love
of God and the Lord JESUS Christ; and desire the Lord to
Forgive you (if it be his Will) for all your Wickedness, that
ye have done and spoken against us, and that ye may all
come to see your selves, Whose Servants ye have been? and
Whose Work ye have been doing? and Whom ye have followed? And what Spirit ye are of, not to be of Christ's, who
came to Save Mens Lives, and not to Destroy them.
And we must further Declare, that we cannot Trust our Bodies and Souls in the Hands of such, that do not know, what
Spirit they are of themselves, and have not Power over their
own Raging and Persecuting Spirits; who are Like unto a
City, whose Walls are broken down. But our Trust is in
Christ, who is the Chief Shepherd, who we are turn'd to; who
Feeds us in his Pasture of Life: Our Bishop to Oversee us,
and our Prophet, that God hath raised up, like unto Moses,
whoso we do Hear, &c. And our Councellor and Leader,
that God hath given us: Our Priest, that hath Died for us,
and Risen for our justification; and at the Right Hand of
God: who is our Mediator (the Man Christ Jesus) betwixt
us and God; and is the Author and Finisher of our Faith:
And is our High-Priest over the Household of Faith,
and doth Sanctify us, and Wash us with his Precious Blood;
that he may present us to God without Spot or Wrinkle, or
Blemish, or any such thing: Who Rules in our Hearts by Faith,
and in his Grace and Light, Power, and Spirit and Truth,
that comes by him; That in the Spirit we come to fit down in
him, as the Saints did of Old, our REST, yea, in Heavenly
Places in Christ Jesus: And so can praise God through JESUS
Christ, YEA and AMEN, the First and the Last.