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After the Marks of a True Christian, the Speller continues with three lists of names:

One part of the section on Devils, describing "them that rage so against the Light within", includes a reference worth following for more about the Light:

Turners of the World upside down, a people that are cursed and unlearned, ignorant, Schismaticks, Hereticks, Phanaticks; and these are them that rage so against the Light within, which doth give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus, and are so mad against the heavenly Treasure in the earthen Vessels, 2 Cor. 4.

The "earthen Vessels" reference appears to be to 2 Corinthians 4:5-7, which in the King James Version reads:

For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not of us.

I've posted the full excerpt from the speller in the extended entry.

The Names which the Devil in Scripture
is called by.

The Serpent, and Adversary: An Enemy to Man: The Devil, who is a Destroyer: The old Dragon: Belial: The God of the World, who rules the World in wickedness: The Prince of this World, who gives forth his Law of death and Sin, and rules in wickedness and unrighteousness, which got into Adam and Eve by his lies and subtilty, and their disobedience, and now rules in the hearts of the disobedient: the Spirit and Prince of Darkness which fills People with Darkness, and makes them hate the Light of Christ, and blinds all his Subjects, that they call the Light of Christ natural, and Created, and Conscience: And the Devil is called Beelzebub Prince of Devils: the Accuser of the Bretheren : And this Devil, Satan, and Serpent made all his subjects all the People of God Bablers, pestilent Fellows, Movers of Sedition, Ring-leaders of Sects, Acts 24. Turners of the World upside down, a people that are cursed and unlearned, ignorant, Schismaticks, Hereticks, Phanaticks; and these are them that rage so against the Light within, which doth give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus, and are so mad against the heavenly Treasure in the earthen Vessels, 2 Cor. 4. And these be of the same Spirit that the Jews were in that said Christ (the Light) had a Devil, and by the Prince of Devils, cast out Devils.

The Names of the Children of God
are called by

The Children of God are called the Children of the Light, and Seed of Abraham: and the Lot of God's Inheritance, and his Servants, and Hand-maids, Sons, and Daughters, and the Elect of God before the Foundation of the World, and the Children of God, then Heirs of God, 1 Peter. And they are called the Saints of God, the Church of God, Temple of God, Sheep and Lambs of Christ, Brethren of Christ, Spouse and Wife of Christ, a chosen Generation, a royal Priest-hood, offering up spiritual Sacrifices to God, who is a Spirit, a holy Nation, a peculiar People, the Children of the Light, and of the Day; which makes all the Children of the Night and of Darkness to rage against them: They are called the Light of the World, and the Salt of the Earth, and a City set on a Hill, that cannot be hid, and against this City doth Mystery Babylon the great City fight, with her Children; but they cannot prevail, for the Lamb and the Saints shall have the Victory.

What Christ is called.

Christ, our Lord and Master, crucified in spiritual Sodom and Ægypt, is called The Wonderful Consellor, who doth counsel People of the possession of their Salvation, and of a Kingdom, and of a Life, and of a World that hath no end; and how to walk, that they may honour God through him: He is called, The mighty God, and the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, who rules in Righteousness and Peace amongst his Children, Christ Jesus the Saviour, and Christ the Light of the World, the Anointed of God: The Emanuel, that is, God within, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, Justification and Sanctification, the Way, the Truth and the Life, the Word of God that hammers down and cuts down Sin, and burns it up, who is the Elect and precious laid in Sion, to all the Sons and Daughters of Sion, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who rends to pieces the old Dragon, and bruises the Serpent's Head, and Jesus Christ our Lord; a Lord is a a Ruler, so Christ is a Lord to rule and order and govern, and dispose his People, and so he hath the reverence and honour: for he rules, and orders, and governs, in Righteousness, Holiness, Virtue, Purity, Equity, Godliness and Truth, and in Wisdom, Power, Light and Life. (36-40)